"We have to find room in our contemporary world view for persons,with all that that it entails; not just bodies, but persons.And that means trying to solve the problem of freedom,finding room for choice and responsibility...and trying to understand individuality"-Waking Life

martes, 19 de junio de 2007

A variety of effects***

About Political Awareness-Political Awareness in its widest sense is an educational process whereby individuals explore and come to understand the influences which can affect their lives and those of others.
a. Why Is It Important?
Involvement in Political Awareness programs helps individuals to:
Think beyond themselves.
Recognize when change is necessary.
Build-up the skills and confidence to enable them to feel sufficiently empowered to contribute to change or action.
Make a positive contribution to society.
Secure the optimum quality of life for themselves and others.
Increase their knowledge of local, national and global issues.
Political Awareness should be delivered as a planned program. Within this there should be opportunities to respond to current issues and events. It is important in order to establish a good rapport with individuals and to ensure that programmed aspects of the Youth and Community Curriculum (e.g. Testing Values and Beliefs; Information Projects, Community Service and Environmental Awareness, etc.).
b. What Influences Individuals?
Things like…
* Music * Fashion * Magazines * Books
* Television * Radio * Newspapers * Advertising
* Films
c. What Topics Might Be Discussed?
* Being young in the DR * Democracy * Current Events
* Family Politics * Economics * The Political Process
* Politics within Groups * Left and Right Politics Contd.
d. What Important Issues Affect Individuals And Their Communities?
* Poverty * Unemployment * Violence * Rights
* Pollution * Oppression * Responsibilities
* Health Care * Homelessness * Education
* Animal Rights * War * Energy
* Nuclear Power * Discrimination * Justice
* Racism * Sectarianism * Community
* Abuse * Conservation
e. Delivering Political Awareness Programs
Developing individuals’ Political Awareness can be approached in a variety of ways. For example:
* Campaigning * Youth Forms, Community Councils * Group Discussion
* Participating in Members' Committees * Debates * Community Meetings
* Exploring the Media * Making Documentary Videos * Social Surveys
* Using resources (videos, work papers, etc) * Photography
* Interviews * Music * Visits (Council Meeting, Court, etc)
* Collage * Project Work (e.g. researching Local History)
* Role Play * Petitioning
Hey, I’ve just found a monumental powerpoint file About e-(existentialism). and e- premises and criticism’s . I hope u don’t mind the quality of this work and appreciate it as it grows in you. Cheers!


(A diferent one in spanish) (Son diferentes el de arriba y el de abajo)

Eh encontrado una página de críticas al e- tremenda, espero en un futuro tener suficiente conocimiento del tema como para poder leer siquiera 2 párrafos sin buscar 1 de estos datos en wikipedia. Enjoy!

George Carlin- The 10 Commandments

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